Here I stand in Bressanone
With the stars up in the sky
Are they shinning over Brenner
And upon the other side
You would be a sweet surrender
I must go the other way
And my train will carry me onward
Though my heart would surely stay
Wo,my heart would surely stay
Now the clouds are flying by me
And the moon is on the rise
I have left the stars behind me
They were diamonds in your skies
You would be a sweet surrender
I must go the other way
And my train will carry me onward
Though my heart would surely stay
Wo,my heart would surely stay
How I long for bressanone
And the one who holds my heart
Every mile that fails behind me
Feels a thousand miles apart
You have been the sole survivor
In a life of love and loss
All the years of tears between us
Fills an ocean I must cross
Wo an ocean I must cross There’s an ocean I must cross
我把冰心一片系上万种缱绻 / 伴你上穷碧落下黄泉 / 寻访天地间至善至圆 / 绵绵密密 岁岁年年
我把丹心一片誓向白云苍天 / 纵然万水千山走遍 / 寻访天地间真理泉源 / 再释亘古儿女情缘
只想天上人间世世共婵娟 / 谁知江湖路上多艰险 / 风雨飘摇义薄云天渡难关 / 波涛汹涌 力挽狂澜
玉人侠骨柔情 / 天相柳暗花明 / 飞燕惊龙 剑胆琴心
The 2nd China-US Workshop on Ground Improvement Technologies, Shanghai, China, May 27, 2018