





has a very closed ecosystem. Want to change ringtone, you need to follow the steps:

1. Transfer your mp3 files into iPhone, via the method of data transfer.

2. However, if mp3 is not transferred via iTunes, it is not recognized by Apple. Therefore, you need to use GrageBand. Click on Create Song. You can choose any icon you like, e.g. Keyboard, because you only need to drag your mp3 into a track (the one other than keyboard, and leave the keyboard track empty.)

3. Switch back to My Song and the newly created song will be saved automatically as “My Song”. You can rename it.

4. Then you can share it as Ringtone. The extension of Ringtone file is M4R and I think it means music for ringtone. As a comparison, the extension of song is m4a (music for AAC). Format of m4a is easy to share in multy different devices but m4r is protected under license of DRM, which means that m4r is only supported on apple products.

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A way to transfer data between devices

It is so difficult to transfer data between iPhone and windows,. It is strange that Bluetooth on iPhone is limited to Airdrop only. The following method is probably the most convenient one if your devices are under the same LAN(Local Area Network).

  1. Make one of your folder shared.
  2. Check your LAN address, likely to be something like 192.168.*.*
  3. Click on files on iPhone then choose connect to server. Input the address above to connect, then you will be asked about the account and password.
  4. Input the account and password and there you go.

This is probably the most convenient way I ever find for data transfer. It is also applicable for windows devices. If two devices are both running windows system, the only difference is that the address looks like “\ \desktop…something”.

People like to use tencent products to do file transfer. I don’t like this way because it sends the files to tencent sever somewhere that is not under your control, then you download the files from the sever to your device. Although the risk is minus, but it is not a hundred percent. How the files on the sever is gonna be treated? Who knows.





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Logogogo 评论 数学物理方法


    在上高一的时候,我就买过一本《数学物理方法》,纯粹出于对书名的崇拜,那还是四川大学出版的那一本。当然,那时的我只能看到Riemann plane就晕得差不多了。那的确是我第一次听说有这样的书存在,数学和物理,好神奇。

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Risk of downloadhelper

Downloadhelper is a good browser extension for downloading media. It is useful for obtaining addresses of targeted objects. However, I realized that there may be some risks of this kind of tools. The way it works is based on packet capture & analysis during network communication. If the communication is not encrypted, there may be privacy risks. The tool may be able to see what you receive and send. Therefore, it would be better to capture the address by yourself (see Video Streaming & Thunder, VanDyke, NetAnts, etc.); or use the tool on a computer without any private data——at least without any private data communication via browser.

Video Streaming & Thunder, VanDyke, NetAnts, etc.

How long haven’t you used Thunder? It was so popular on PC, like Tencent. Tencent is still there, while Thunder is gone. Now most on line videos are provided in streaming way.

FFMPEG.exe is a tool to download them. It runs in command line:
ffmpeg -i http://***/***.m3u8 “***.mp4”
And there is a better tool to do such streaming, which is N_m3u8DL-CLI_v2.9.7.exe

How to find the streaming address? Press F12 when you watch video via browser; locate “network” and search for “m3u8”
By this way, you are able to download most videos as long as you are able to watch them in your browser.

While sometimes, there is inhibition for you to complete full streaming, then you need to merge the “.ts” files by yourself.
Way 1
copy /b *.*    output.mp4
Way 2
DIR *.*  /B >filelist.txt
Open filelist.txt using Excel; insert column ‘file’ and ‘ before the column of file name and one column of ‘ after the column of file name; save as txt. (To make command of e.g. file ‘1.ts’, file ‘2.ts’…)
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i filelist.txt -c copy output.mp4

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上一次觉得诺贝尔化学奖有点联系的时候,还在2000年:The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000 was awarded jointly to Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid and Hideki Shirakawa “for the discovery and development of conductive polymers.”
link:The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000 从发现到开始商业化,经过了约30年。
Emmanuelle Charpentier在众多的发言场合,提到最多的就是curiosity。
I realized that being a research scientist would fit the many aspects of my personality — my curiosity, intellectual drive for knowledge, enjoyment of communicating knowledge to others and working as a team, and my desire to turn complex scientific discoveries into practical applications that would help society. I was excited about being a scientist.


Emmanuelle Charpentier Receives Aachen Engineering Award

People on a stage looking at the camera

Copyright: Andreas Schmitter
Link: Emmanuelle Charpentier Receives Aachen Engineering Award


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reCAPTCHA or Captcha


  • abstract:
    • reCAPTCHA is a user-dialogue system originally developed by Luis von Ahn, Ben Maurer, Colin McMillen, David Abraham and Manuel Blum at Carnegie Mellon University’s main Pittsburgh campus, and acquired by Google in September 2009. Like the CAPTCHA interface, reCAPTCHA asks users to enter words seen in distorted text images onscreen.



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