A way to transfer data between devices

It is so difficult to transfer data between iPhone and windows,. It is strange that Bluetooth on iPhone is limited to Airdrop only. The following method is probably the most convenient one if your devices are under the same LAN(Local Area Network).

  1. Make one of your folder shared.
  2. Check your LAN address, likely to be something like 192.168.*.*
  3. Click on files on iPhone then choose connect to server. Input the address above to connect, then you will be asked about the account and password.
  4. Input the account and password and there you go.

This is probably the most convenient way I ever find for data transfer. It is also applicable for windows devices. If two devices are both running windows system, the only difference is that the address looks like “\ \desktop…something”.

People like to use tencent products to do file transfer. I don’t like this way because it sends the files to tencent sever somewhere that is not under your control, then you download the files from the sever to your device. Although the risk is minus, but it is not a hundred percent. How the files on the sever is gonna be treated? Who knows.